A major asset for the economic development and the international influence of our region, hosting major events is central to the regional economic development plan. Voted by the Plenary Assembly of the Regional Council in November 2016, the “Attract Congresses and Events” (ACE) program aims to support economic events that have a structuring character for the sectors of excellence.
Which events are eligible?
- Congress with more than 800 overnight stays, with at least a national scale
- Business conventions with more than 4000 overnight stays and related to the sectors of excellence
- New professional trade shows related to the sectors of excellence and with a gross exhibition surface of at least 2000 sqm

Who can benefit from the ACE grants program?
Event organizers: federations, learned societies, professional event organizers, etc.
What support is proposed?
- 10 000 € up to 30 000 € of grant for events with LESS than 10 000 overnight stays or 5 000 sqm gross exhibition surface
- 50 000 € up to 100 000 € of grant for events with MORE than 10 000 overnight stays or 5 000 sqm gross exhibition surface

For further information on the “Attract Congresses and Events” program